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Re: Maps

Subject: Re: Maps
by Lupin on 2018/4/12 1:44:19

Hi Jiel,

Would be possible to know how the maps will be choosen ?

If you mean the choice of maps during the tournament, of course, it is regulated in S.I. ; but if you mean the type of map or path, it is the technical staff who chose maps.

Would be possible to know how the SI will be decided ?

S.I. are already done ( Moro2009 for TeamLeague 2012 ) We are reviewing it to adapt to this short edition. By the end of the week, both Italian and English versions will be published.

If there is a committee who decides all, why not but may we know who is in the committee ?

"ALL" is a big word ... RC is under the control of Drao and Lupin (me) and deals with web tools; Sailgood is responsible in forming the protest committee that will have jurisdiction over everything happening in race.

If there are discussions inside the committee, is it possible to read the discussions ?

About the RC job, I think you would get bored for sure .... about the PC, I think you will only read the posts of protests, defences and response. In the past we tried to involve a member per team and I assure you that for me it was double work ... then we tried to simplify things but there is always "someone" who does not agree with "someone else" ... Meanwhile, let's have fun and see if TeamRacing can have a future! If the answer will be positive, it will be my job, as my practice, to involve as many friends as possible in next editions.

So I suggest : 1/ that every team could eventually participate in the maps choice; 2/ and that the SI would be published in the forum to have the agreement of the majority of the teams. Am I too idealist ?

"idealist" ? LOLLLLL ... and how would you define a person who from 2000 insists on organizing events hoping that everyone can have fun and stay friends ???
Anyway : about maps , personally I am of the idea that the more choices there are, the more variables (and therefore fun) there may be! Try to contact Sailgood to understand if it will be possible to insert other maps edited by the participants.
About the S.I. suggestions and improvements have always been welcome. Always keep in mind the short time we have available for the organization (we started to talk about it a few weeks ago) and the most important target of this event (the fun).

Q. & A. Forum was made to make this job ...

Pino ( Skyppyno - Lupin )