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Posted by Lupin on 2017/11/29 12:00:00 (2479 reads)
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Nel testo completo ( Read more ...) recensione e curiosità sulla prossima gara.
In the full text ( Read more ...) you find the race review and curiosity about the next race.
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Posted by Lupin on 2017/11/22 0:10:00 (2622 reads)
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Nel testo completo ( Read more ...) recensione e curiosità sulla prossima gara.
In the full text ( Read more ...) you find the race review and curiosity about the next race.
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Posted by Lupin on 2017/11/9 15:00:00 (1985 reads)
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Il sottotitolo è meglio spiegato dalla immagine dell'arrivo ... solo un'ultima surfata di Jacopo ha impedito a Pajaro di conquistare la sua prima e meritatissima vittoria : a lungo in testa alla regata non ha sbagliato nulla in un confronto alla pari col "maestro" Jacopo.
Nel testo completo ( Read more ...) recensione e curiosità sulla prossima gara.

The subtitle is best explained by the image of the arrival ... only Jacopo's last surf has prevented Pajaro from conquering his first and very deserved victory: for a long time haeding the regatta he made no mistake in a comparison with the "master" Jacopo.
In the full text ( Read more ...) you find the race review and curiosity about the next race.
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Posted by Lupin on 2017/10/26 14:30:00 (1318 reads)
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Il sottotitolo di questo articolo è "la prima volta di Nick" , titolo che sembrerebbe adatto ad un film osè ... in realtà vuol celebrare la prima vittoria in questo evento di Nick-Cromit , peraltro una vittoria fortemente voluta e cercata.
Nel testo completo ( Read more ...) recensione e curiosità sulla prossima gara.

The subtitle of this article is "Nick's first time", a title that would seem appropriate for a sexy movie ...really it wants to celebrate the first Nick-Cromit's victory in this event, however a strongly desired and sought victory.
In the full text ( Read more ...) you find the race review and curiosity about the next race.
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Posted by Lupin on 2017/10/19 14:00:00 (1058 reads)
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Ophelia sembra aver provocato seri problemi anche alla ALTURA : Pajaro scompare tra i flutti e Jacopo va a -2 ( ma sono punti, non gradi centigradi ).
Nel testo completo ( Read more ...) recensione e curiosità sulla prossima gara.

Ophelia seems to have caused serious problems also in ALTURA: Pajaro disappears between the waves and Jacopo goes to -2 (but points, not centigrade degrees ).
In the full text ( Read more ...) you find the race review and curiosity about the next race.
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